Obama chides California for not using test scores to evaluate teachers
At stake are billions in federal stimulus funds to be allocated in 'Race to the Top' grants. Schwarzenegger says state law will be amended if necessary to comply.
By Jason Song and Jason Felch
July 25, 2009
President Obama singled out California on Friday for failing to use education data to distinguish poor teachers from good ones, a situation that his administration said must change for the state to receive competitive, federal school dollars.
Obama's comments echo recent criticisms by his Education secretary, Arne Duncan, who warned that states that bar the use of student test scores to evaluate teachers, as California does, are risking those funds. In an announcement Friday at the Education Department in Washington, Obama and Duncan said the "Race to the Top" awards will be allocated to school districts that institute reforms using data-driven analysis, among other things.
See Los Angeles Times for entire article. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-obama-education25-2009jul25,0,4550811.story
See articles below on the limits of testing and Arne Duncan's dubious claims to success in Chicago.
I took my Obama sticker off my car today.
Los Angeles Resisting Trump's Deportations
1 week ago
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