Thursday, March 21, 2024

What Really Happened on October 7?

What Really Happened on October 7?: And why, wonders a new Al Jazeera documentary, did the media go to such lengths to concoct gruesome X-rated versions of an attack that was harrowing enough to begin with?



Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Friday, March 15, 2024

Thursday, March 14, 2024

MAGA Republicans Destroy Texas Schools/Teachers


Texas is in the middle of a teaching crisis,

A new report from the Texas American Federation of Teachers shows that 70% of Texas educators say they’re ready to leave the profession.

That alarming statistic underscores just how bad the teaching crisis in Texas has become. Since the 2012 school year, around 10% of Texas teachers have left the field each year—citing low wages, poor benefits, unmanageable workloads, and political debates putting their classrooms in the middle of Republicans officials’ culture wars.

The teacher shortage has led to larger classrooms, burnout among educators, and a dip in academic performance among students. In fact, between 2019 and 2022, state math scores dropped 7 points for eighth graders and 5 points for fourth graders.

One-in-five Texas teachers say they currently have a second job after school. That’s unacceptable—and it’s a failure of the Republican statewide leadership that has failed to support our public teachers and students time and time again. 

Help us sound the alarm about Texas’s teaching crisis and fight for real investment in our public schools, teachers, and students. Chip in $9, or whatever you can, to help Team Casar fight for teachers in Texas and across the nation.

Duane, over the last few years, teachers in Texas experienced a global pandemic, rising costs and stagnant pay, and attacks on their curriculums from right-wing politicians.

Texas Republicans like Greg Abbott, Ken Paxton, and Ted Cruz have failed to significantly raise wages and pay for Texas teachers for years. Then they attacked teachers for wanting adequate health protections for them and their students during the pandemic. And today, they continue to wage phony culture wars around “Critical Race Theory” and “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” programs for political gain. 

Texas Republicans have failed Texas’s teachers, schools, and students.

But we can change that. The recent report showed that 73% of Texas teachers would stay in their jobs for better pay and more manageable workloads. That’s what Team Casar is fighting for—can you join us?

Chip in $9, or whatever you can, to help us invest in Texas public schools and address the teaching crisis in our state. We can’t let Texas Republicans continue to destroy public education.


Thank you for supporting our teachers,


Tuesday, March 05, 2024

The Intra-Democratic Battles Kick Off in California

The Intra-Democratic Battles Kick Off in California: Millionaire self-funders, dirty-trick tactics, pro-Israel and crypto money everywhere. The ideological sparring within the party takes a back seat to campaign shenanigans.

Sunday, March 03, 2024

Flo Cofer : Candidate for Mayor of Sacramento


Mayoral Hopeful Flo Cofer Envisions a Democratic Sacramento

Flo Cofer

With an activist background and a left-wing perspective, Sacramento mayoral candidate Flo Cofer bears the markers of an outsider candidate. But backed by big unions, sitting councilmembers, and the city paper, she’s giving the Sac elite a run for their money.


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