Education could see $3.6 billion cut
Department of Finance officials told education groups today that K-14 schools could see a $3.6 billion cut due to a projected drop in revenues, as the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office suggested in March would be a possibility.
Finance officials did not tie the reduction to the May 19 ballot measures but said $3.6 billion is the amount in allowable school cuts under Proposition 98 assuming the LAO's projection of $8 billion in lower revenues proves accurate, said Dennis Meyers, assistant executive director for the California Association of School Business Officials.
The ballot measures may have little impact on 2009-10 school funding, Meyers said, because the $3.6 billion figure is based on a revenue decline regardless of whatever gap exists should Propositions 1C, 1D and 1E fail. But he said the measures' failure could put more pressure on the governor and the Legislature to take the full $3.6 billion.
Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, said earlier today that the state can't cut too much out of education without jeopardizing federal stimulus funding. The federal package requires that the state maintain school funding at its 2006 level to be eligible. He said he'd prefer to look for savings in corrections and acknowledged that health and human services would face cuts if the ballot measures fail and the state faces a significant revenue drop this year.
Categories: Special election 5/19/09, State budget
From: Capital Alert. The Sacramento Bee
Posted by Kevin Yamamura
California’s needs an education system that produces more skilled high-school graduates today more than at any other time in our past.
California's k-12 education system is in crisis because it is underfunded. Contrary to the wishes of the voters, politicians continue to fail to adequately fund our schools. When comparisons include cost of living- California ranks 47th. out of the 50 states in per pupil expenditures. The children in our schools are suffering. This is unacceptable.
California students leave middle and high schools at the rate of 140,000 per year and cost taxpayers $46 billion annually in crime, social welfare, health, public assistance and other taxpayer costs.
Duane Campbell
Los Angeles Resisting Trump's Deportations
1 week ago
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