The alliance for A Better California is looking for posts.
Scenes from the Campaign
Let's Hear it for the Teachers
Julia Rosen Thursday, Sep.22, 2005.
The governor might think it is a good campaign tactic to attack teachers, but we don’t. Today at a news conference we brought award-winning teachers and concerned parents to implore the Schwarzenegger campaign to stop the “witch hunt” of California educators. The teachers and parents asked the Governor to stop his attacks, and start addressing the real problem facing our schools.
We have responded to the “Tell us Your Story” feature of the governor's website - a feature that called for mean stories about teachers- by launching our own feature on this site. We have affectionately titled it "Let’s Hear it for the Teachers". It is a place for the BetterCA community to share stories about teachers who have made a real difference in students’ lives. The governor's handlers may have taken down their website in shame, but ours will proudly celebrate teachers who are addressing the real problems facing our schools.
Please share you stories and ask others to do the same. as Kim Labinger, a 4th grade teacher at Edison Elementary School in Glendale and California State Teacher of the Year for 2005 said:
I would urge the public to respond to the Alliance website and take time to let the world know about an outstanding teacher in your or your child’s life. And I ask the Governor to stop his attacks and start working on real reforms.
A good place to tell your story. And, I encourage letters to the editor of papers.
Frankly, Prop.74 does not have the money that 75 & 76 have. I encourage all to use the letters pages to combat the Governor's spin.
Los Angeles Resisting Trump's Deportations
5 days ago
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