Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Top Ten Enemies of Public Education

The Top-10 Most Unwanted List—the Enemies of Public Education
From author, educator and education blogger Lloyd Lofthouse.  His writing can be found at:
The Top-10 Most Unwanted List—the Enemies of Public Education
This list reveals the most dangerous enemies of public education and how they earned their spot in infamy. To discover why they landed on this list, click the links included with each name below the brick wall. This list is subject to change at any time.

Spending billions to destroy Public Schools
with testing agenda to rank & fire teachers
The #Waltons
Why are #Walmart Billionaires Bankrolling Phony School Reform
Who is #EliBroad and why is he trying to destroy public education?
cherry-picks Constitution
Rewriting History
To brainwash children with libertarian ideas

False apologies of Arne Duncan
Who contributed to significant crises in urban school districts
Who is #DavidColeman
Architect of Common Core and War on Pub-Ed
who ignores professionalism of teachers
Horrible record on Education
His friends and allies are getting rich from his reform agenda
#AndrewCuomo is backstabbing governor,
who wants to kill traditional public education in New York State
Alleged Liar & Deceiver
who pays herself 500K+ annually from tax payers
Did #MichelleRhee achieve most of her broken promises in D.C.
She failed with 98.5% of boasted goals
If you want to suggest someone who deserved to be added to the extended list—beyond the Top Ten—please leave a comment with a name and provide a link to evidence that shows why they deserve a spot on the extended list of public education’s worst enemies.
Michael Barber
Bobbie Jindal
John White
Chris Christie
Rahm Emanuel
John Kasich
David Welch
John Arnold
Rick Scott
Campbell Brown
Cami Anderson
Mike Madigan
Joel Klein
Rupert Murdock
Michael Milken
Merryl Tisch
Fethullah Gulen
Reposted with permission,

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