This article by Democratic strategist Robert Creamer, author of Stand Up Straight:
How Progressives Can Win, is cross-posted
from HuffPo:
If your tax bill goes up
$2,200 a year, or you're one of the millions who would stop receiving
unemployment benefits, the cause of your economic pain is not some a natural
disaster, or a major structural flaw in the economy. The cause is Republican
fear of being beaten in a primary by people like Sarah Palin, Sharon Angel or
Richard Mourdock - funded by far Right Wing oligarchs like Sheldon Adelson and
the Koch Brothers. It's that simple.
Most normal Americans will have very little patience with Republicans
as they begin to realize that GOP Members of Congress are willing to risk
throwing the country back into a recession because they are worried about being
beaten in low turn out primaries by people who do a better job than they do
appealing to the extreme right fringe of the American electorate - and to the
far Right plutocrats that are all too willing to stoke right wing passion and