Monday, January 13, 2025

Choose Democracy Resources

  Choose Democracy Resources:

We're also noticing something else that seems important. We think of it as a kind of spiritual conditioning. We see it most strongly this way: people are turning to other people. People are largely showing up for each other in grief and support and opening homes to care for each other. The direction we all need to go is more love, more neighborliness of that kind, and more open doors. So we want to affirm the ways people aren't only strategizing and planning, but also spending time with people they trust and love and licking their wounds. This is a very human thing to do.

Over at Choose Democracy we're taking an inhale after some intense weeks. We wanted to just take a moment to share what we've been up to and some resources we're tracking that may be useful to you.


We're grateful and blown away that Daniel's article on 10 ways to be prepared and grounded now that Trump has won has gone viral with over 1.2 million views. It's a helpful piece to acknowledge different roles and ways of processing. 

It's since been reprinted thousands of times. This has led to many follow-up interviews, three we wanted to highlight: Daniel talked more about the roles on The Authoritarian Podcast and talked in depth through each of the key points with the podcast The Majority Report. And lastly,adrienne marie brown and Autumn Brown's podcast (How to Survive the End of the World) had a longer-view flowing conversation about where we are.


Note: Choose Democracy is an organization.  It is not this blog. this blog is named Choosing Democracy.  That is the title of a book that I wrote. 


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