Saturday, September 14, 2024

Rambling Trump Tales

1 comment:

  1. The rush to denigrate Trump entirely misses the point. He's an agent of destruction, and the more chaotic and destructive the better. Yes, this is a tantrum in response to Democratic malfeasance. After all, not only did Obama not prosecute the war crimes of Bush/Cheney, he almost entirely ignored what is arguably the largest theft in human history--the "Global Financial Crisis" (the subprime/derivatives meltdown). That was 8 - 10 million fraudulent loan foreclosures that tanked the economy. His response was to bail out Wall Street with the Federal Reserve extending, by its own audit's estimate, $16 -$29 trillion in credit to the same financial sector that crashed the economy. For only $9 trillion the Fed could have paid off everyone's mortgage, BTW. No one went to jail, no one had to repay their bonuses. This is why ordinary people in Frank Luntz's focus groups during the Obama administration wept--reportedly the first time Luntz saw that.

    You might also see this (something I'd never thought of before):
