Wednesday, July 03, 2024

What About President Biden ?

 I want to take the time to disagree with the several people writing here saying that Biden should drop out.


For Biden to leave, there must be a viable, organizational response capable of defeating Trump and the MAGA crowd. 

Newsletters and posts will not do that.  There have to be constituencies engaged. 

This is not a skill that the Democratic Party is skilled with. 


This week I have been to a civil rights group meeting, and to children’s soccer.  Neither were discussion the Biden debate performance.  Mostly, we were complaining about the heat. 


Too much of the commentary urging Biden to leave is based upon rumor, and anonymous sources.  

When you get to actual sources, look at what was actually said.  NBC and MSNBC made big issues about what Nany Pelosi said, and what  Congressman Clyburn.      said.  Look at what was actually said. These were not calls for Biden to leave.  The press responses are over interpretations.  They are seeking to create a story, create news, which also creates  an electoral crisis. 

There is a valuable poll out today in the NYT. 


I don’t think we should make decisions based upon what Democrats can do ( alone). Alone, they can not defeat Trump. 


I encourage you to read Kim Atkins Stohr, Boston Globe.


Biden dropping out is a fantasy. Democrats can win — if they fight !


I encourage all to read Rand Wilson, Election 2024: A Chess Move, Not a Valentine. From the Stansbury Forum and Portside.


What we need to be working on is defeating Trump and the MAGAs.  That requires unity, and institutional power, among other things.  Wilson describes it well. 


Now, he may drop out as some are cheering.  If that happens, our tasks of defeating the Trump MAGA crowd grow exponentially. 

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