CSU Management Walks Out of Bargaining, Systemwide Strike Set for January 22-26
The CFA Bargaining Team reserved four days for re-opener contract negotiations this week, making every effort to bargain in good faith and explore the space for a negotiated solution before a systemwide strike January 22 to 26. CFA members delivered four proposals Monday (January 8), but were met with disrespect from management today. After 20 minutes, the CSU management bargaining team threatened systemwide layoffs, walked out of bargaining, cancelled all remaining negotiations, then imposed a last, best and final offer on CFA members.
Rather than bargain in good faith with CFA members, CSU management expressed nothing but disdain for faculty. We know they have the money in their flush reserve accounts.
CSU management has never taken seriously our proposals for desperately needed equity transformation for CSU students, faculty, and staff, including raising base salary for our lowest-paid, struggling faculty, manageable workloads for more student engagement, more mental health services for students, limits to police power, and humane and adequate parental leave.
Instead of showing care and concern for the issues faculty have raised repeatedly at the bargaining table since last May, Chancellor Mildred García and her team seem intent on a campaign of insult and intimidation.
Management’s imposition gives us no other option but to continue to move forward with our plan for a systemwide strike in coalition with Teamsters Local 2010 members. The systemwide strike on all 23 campuses over January 22 – January 26 must demonstrate to the Chancellor that she must do right by the faculty, staff, and students of the CSU.
It’s time to get involved and uplift our faculty, staff, and students. Sign up for the January strike dates and join the picket lines! If you have other questions or concerns, please reach out to us at bargainingideas@calfac.org.

Strike FAQs
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