Thursday, April 06, 2023

Former Teacher, Union Leader elected to Mayor of Chicago

 First of all, let me begin by congratulating Brandon Johnson on being elected as the next mayor of Chicago, and Janet Protasiewicz on her decisive win in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race. These are two huge victories for progressives and for our movement. 

If we are serious about creating transformative change in this country — and if we're serious about taking on the powerful special interests that want to protect the status quo — we need to elect more great candidates at the grassroots level. That's why Brandon Johnson and Janet Protasiewicz's victories are so important. 

Our campaign was proud to have played a role in these victories, and I would like to thank supporters like you for all you've done to help make these victories possible. Our team reached out to people all across Chicago to encourage them to turn out to vote for Brandon Johnson, and to attend our GOTV rally with him last week. And we contacted Wisconsinites statewide informing them about early voting and Election Day voting for Janet Protasiewicz in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race. 

Brandon Johnson is a former teacher who ran a campaign centered on economic justice and racial justice. What he did during his campaign for mayor, and what we have got to do all over this country, is continue the struggle to build a government that works for all of us, not just the wealthy few.

Chicago deserves a mayor who will invest in affordable housing, health care, fully-funded neighborhood schools, and good jobs. That's the kind of mayor that Brandon Johnson will be. He understands that we need not only job creation, but jobs that provide workers with decent wages, benefits, and working conditions. 

During the runoff election, Brandon overcame incredible odds after being outspent 2-to-1. The way he was able to do that was by bringing people together in a multi-racial, multi-generational movement. This past Tuesday, large numbers of working people all across the city of Chicago came together to say enough is enough. It is time to finally create a government that invests in the needs of its people. And with Brandon Johnson as mayor, Chicago will now have a city government that supports the working class and unions.

In Wisconsin, Janet Protasiewicz ended the conservative majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court for the first time in 15 years. Her victory will help protect the future of our democracy and will have an enormous impact on voting rights, abortion rights, redistricting, and potential challenges to 2024 election results in a key battleground state. 

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