Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Fight the Anti Immigrant Right

Whether you are a DSA member of not, you may find North Star's anti ultra-right work deserving of your attention.  We are preparing for DSA's 2023 convention by drafting a resolution about confronting the ultra-right. 

We propose to form a broad front against the US ultra-right which includes MAGA. neo confederates, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, ALEC, militias, too many Republicans, and numerous reactionary super PACs, foundations, and think tanks.  The resolution also proposes improving cooperation among DSA and its sister organizations that is necessary in order to organize the broad front.a-right.

This is the proposed resolution. If you are a DSA member please sign it..

I am reaching out to ask for your support for 3 proposals to this years 2023 DSA Convention.

1.    Unite Against the Ultra Right

2.    On the Defense of Immigrants and Refugees

3.    Big Tent amendment to bylaws

The first resolution is about confronting the ultra-right. It calls to form a broad front against the US ultra-right which includes MAGA, neo confederates, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, ALEC, militias, too many Republicans, and numerous reactionary super PACs, foundations, and think tanks.  

The second resolution I co-authored along with several members of the Immigrants' Rights Working Group on the Defense of Immigrants and Refugees.

The final proposal is an amendment to the DSA bylaws. To damp down the urge to purge, substituting "principles and policies" with DSA Constitution Article II Purpose.


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