Thursday, January 13, 2022

Sacramento City Unified Should Close Some Schools


In  Sacramento City Unified school after school classes are being merged together without a certified teacher in charge. 

The current goal is to keep schools “open”. The problem is what is happening in these “open” schools. Can it be called education?


Schooling is fractured, disrupted.   This is not education- and it should stop. ( see post below)


It has been clear since last May, that there was a possibility of a return of the virus, but the district has not planned for the return .  They have not even maintained the inadequate on line  distance learning of last year. 


Currently classes are being combined and merged. Often substitutes are left  in charge of instruction for large mixed groups of students.


This is not in person learning.  It may well not even be safe child care.


In schools where more than 20% of the students test positive, the school should be closed for at least two weeks.  And, teachers should stay home for the full quarantine time. 


We recognize that distance learning last year did not work well, but the current confusion may well be worse.  For over 40 % of the district students are not in an positive educational environment.


The district should close all high impacted schools until they have a plan for the schools and a sufficient number of professional teachers to conduct classes – not mega, merged classes.


More to follow. 


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