Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Remembering Eric Vega

 Eric Vega , Lecturer in Ethnic Studies, passed away on Nov 25,2021.  It has been a road well traveled. 


The  statement of the  Sacramento Sol Collective described  many of  Eric’s contributions well.


“Eric Vega was a father, husband, educator, labor organizer, activist, and philanthropist. He was a brilliant community leader who led by example and impacted our region through his decades of social justice work and mentorship of young activists, educators, law students, and politicians.”



Eric  Vega had a long and sustained history of  political and cultural activism. 


He was the Chair and primary organizer of the Sacramento Civil Rights Network and Chair of the California Civil Rights Conference.  In the 1980’s He served as  a state policy advocate for MALDEF, The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund,  Later he was the Director of the Sacramento Fair Housing  and Human Rights Commission. 


 Eric became a Lecturer of  Chicano Studies/ Ethnic studies. Sacramento State  in  1993 as ethnic studies became a part of the university systems. In this role he served as faculty sponsor of the campus Mecha. Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanos de Atzlan. This work assisted generations of young people to become political activists and change agents.  One of his favorite tasks was to take delegations of Sac State students to the border to examine conditions there.  These trips were reported to be transformative for many. 


From 1992- 1994, Along with  others  Eric  worked to unite Sacramento labor work with Chicano community activism to oppose the North American Free Trade Agreement (1994). This effort included participating in election observing in Mexico and bringing  former Governor of Michoacán and  presidential  candidate Cuauhtémoc Cardenas to California for an opposition tour.   


In 2004,  Eric  co authored with me a chapter on “ Racism and Schools.” in my book, Choosing Democracy : A practical guide to multicultural education ( 3rd.edition) to extend  the coverage of Chicano history into the public school curriculum. 


While thoroughly engaged within the Chicano community, Eric was always supportive and active with multiracial efforts such as opposing the 1996 CCRI. ( California misnamed Civil Rights Initiative. 


Professor Vega was always open and ready to help others and to get the necessary work done in campaigns and events.   He was kind and caring. He drew people to his work with his positive openness. He touched the lives of hundreds of students by listening to others, including young people, and makings  them feel welcome in a broad range of efforts. 



 Eric’s life was significantly influenced by the Chicano cultural resistance  of the Chicano Movement  which grew significantly through developments in the many arts In the 70’s and 80’s. It is well known for the development of the RCAF ( Royal Chicano Air Force).  He contributed to this tradition as one of the founders of the Arts and Culture Center the Sol Collective in Sacramento. .  Today, the Collective continues as a vibrant effort to engage and involve young people in their own self definitions. You can read the Sol Collective’s generous description of Eric’s founding contributions here.

There is a unique recording of this history of Chicano activism in the archives of the Sacramento Chicano Moviemiento, (2014) in the CSU- Sacramento library. Eric’s video there provides insight into the breadth of his cultural, political, and social interests I heartily recommend that readers interested in seeing Eric reflecting upon his own life as a teacher and a Chicano Activist view this oral history.



“The teacher is of course an artist, but being an artist does not mean that he or she can make the profile, can shape the students. What the educator does in teaching is to make it possible for the students to become themselves.”

― Paulo Freire


By Duane E. Campbell, Professor (emeritus) CSU-Sacramento

Bilingual/Multicultural Education.






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