Friday, May 08, 2020

Parental Response - COVID 19

COVID! by Dignity In Schools, (DSC )CA.  
One of the ways the Black Parallel School Board fights for educational justice is through participation in a state wide parent organizing group, Dignity in Schools Campaign CA (DSC CA).  The purpose of the Dignity In Schools Campaign California (DSC CA) is to deepen grassroots community-based understanding of the historical role and future implications of school discipline, the relationship between schools & law enforcement, and the dehumanizing impact of the public education system and expand our movement’s political opportunities to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline, repair the inter-generational harm it has caused, and craft systemic alternatives for multiple generations.  It is made up of parent organizing groups who work to improve the status of under served student populations.  Our work has not stopped during COVID-19. 
Parents are clear the pandemic will widen an already enormous opportunity gap for Black Scholars.  Parents are clear we must have a voice and seat at the table when leaders are making decisions that will impact our scholars' futures.  In response to emergency education DSC CA is resounding what must be done in our Parent Racial Justice Demands for Emergency Schooling During COVID19.  Black and Brown parents work tirelessly in solidarity and demand educational justice now in emergency education and ultimately education reparations. 
 Please share to help us spread the word and publish and post the parent letter.  Here is a link to the the DSC CA website, where the demands are posted, .  I have also attached a PDF version of the letter.   

In community, 
Ursula Yisrael, BPSB Parent Organizer  

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