Tuesday, April 14, 2020

SCUSD- Difficult to Believe

But some teachers, along with the Sacramento City Teachers Association, said the hybrid plan can’t work if most students don’t have their textbooks and materials on hand. 


C.K. McClatchy High School teacher Lori Jablonski said that about a third of her students still had no access to devices. She can’t provide supplemental materials to her students because they’re unable to go back to campus, she said on a media call on Monday.
Teachers at McClatchy High created a mutual assistance program called SCTA Community Volunteer to help prepare for Monday’s distance learning launch. District-wide, more than 190 teachers offered to assist students and families with technology support — an offer met with an April 9 cease and desist letter from the district.
“Any district employee who provides technology support to district students as an ‘SCTA Community Volunteer’ does so without the district’s consent and such service is outside of the course and scope of their employment,” read the letter. “Such employees, and SCTA, will be solely responsible for any and all legal consequences arising from service as an ‘SCTA Community Volunteer.’ ” 
Aguilar said the letter was not designed to provide a chilling effect. The letter explained that technology support was not part of the memorandum of understanding between the district and the teachers union. 
“We have personnel that handles that support,” he said, adding that he encourages teachers to continue providing support to their own students.
Jablonski called the legal letter outrageous, adding that there could have been many ways for the district to clarify how they wanted to offer tech support. 
“It could have said, ‘We would like to be the first call for tech support,’ ” she said. “What they did was send the letter saying liability will rest on the teachers who are providing it.”
Report from the Sacramento Bee. 

Read more here: https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/education/article241985886.html?#storylink=cpy

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