Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Texas Closes Hundreds of Black, Latino Polling Sites

Texas Closes Hundreds Of Black, Latino Polling Sites

“Voter suppression, plain and simple”: Texas closed hundreds of polling sites in black, Latino areas. Salon: "Texas has shuttered more polling places than any other state since 2012 and most of the closures disproportionately hit black and Latino areas, according to a new analysis by The Guardian. Texas has closed 750 polling locations since 2012, the Leadership Conference Education Fund, a civil rights group, reported last year. The state had one polling place for every 4,000 residents in 2012, but that number rose to 7,700 residents by 2018. The Guardian's analysis found that the overwhelming majority of closures came in areas that saw the largest increase in black and Latino residents. The 50 counties that saw the highest growth in black and Latino population had 542 polling sites close between 2012 and 2018, while the 50 counties with the lowest black and Latino population growth saw just 34 closures. The closures came despite the population in the top 50 counties rising by 2.5 million while the 50 counties that had just 34 closures saw their population fall by 13,000 'This is voter suppression — plain and simple,' saidthe progressive advocacy group MoveOn. The moves are likely to worsen Texas' already-low turnout rates, advocates warned, despite changing demographics and large growth in black and Latino areas."
And, Biden won by a narrow margin. 

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