Thursday, August 22, 2019

Kids at Border Camps Left to Die of Flu

Kids At Border Camps Left To Die Of Flu

Kids in border camps are 9 times likelier to die of flu. Trump’s team won’t vaccinate them. ThinkProgress: “More than two dozen immigrants, including children, have died in U.S. government custody since President Donald Trump took office. The judicial branch has had to force Trump’s administration to provide basic hygiene tools like toothpaste to detained migrant children. Now, his immigration officials are saying they will not act to prevent influenza from spreading in their cramped, overcrowded immigration jails at the U.S.-Mexico border. Flu played a role in at least three of the roughly 30 known migrant deaths in custody confirmed since January 2017. Vaccines are cheap and the highly controlled nature of incarcerated populations makes it relatively easy to reach the high innoculation rates that can radically reduce the reach of the illness in any given flu season.Still, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said it will not bother issuing the shots ‘due to the short-term nature of CBP holding and the complexities of operating vaccination programs.'”
Join use in preparing for a national demonstration on Oct. 12.  all out, Close the Camps. 

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