Monday, June 24, 2019

Free College Tuition for All

College For All Means Dignity For All

Chris Simmons
I want to tell you why we need – I need – Free College For All now. I grew up in Newton, Iowa, a small city east of Des Moines. This is the was home to the Maytag Corporation, the “washing machine capital of the world.” This company employed most of Newton’s adults, until Maytag sold out to Whirlpool in 2006 and executives moved all production to Mexico. Pretty much everyone in Newton – my father, grandfather and all of our friends’ fathers – lost their jobs overnight. Nobody had any money, and there was a lot of tension. That’s why, when I was accepted to attend Iowa State University, I was excited: Ames is just two hours from Newton, but it felt a world away from the despair that had gripped my hometown. But there was no way I could afford it. Most people don’t realize how many college students, like me, are in distress. You’d be shocked to learn how many are homeless or have to choose between books and meals. And even if we graduate, we’ll still have loans to pay for the rest of our lives. That’s why, as a member of Iowa Student Action, we welcome Senator Bernie Sanders’ College For All Act, which would make four-year public college tuition and debt-free for everyone. But we’re holding Sen. Sanders and other presidential hopefuls accountable: Because if we don’t win education, clean energy, and a sustainable economy, we won’t have a future. Neither will you. Sen. Sanders calls the crippling cost of college a “national disgrace.” I agree. So is our nation’s failure to offer health care and housing, because everyone deserves a hopeful and dignified life. And the first step towards that life is a fair and free education.

Sanders Proposes Canceling $1.6t In Student Debt

Sanders to propose canceling entire $1.6 trillion in U.S. student loan debt, escalating Democratic policy battle. WaPo: “Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will propose on Monday eliminating all $1.6 trillion of student debt held in the United States, a significant escalation of the policy fight in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary two days before the candidates’ first debate in Miami. Sanders is proposing the federal government pay to wipe clean the student debt held by 45 million Americans — including all private and graduate school debt — as part of a package that also would make public universities, community colleges and trade schools tuition-free. Sanders is proposing to pay for these plans with a tax on Wall Street his campaign says will raise more than $2 trillion over 10 years, though some tax experts give lower revenue estimates. Sanders will be joined Monday by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who will introduce legislation in the House to eliminate all student debt in the United States, as well as Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, who has championed legislation to make public universities tuition-free.”

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