Sunday, January 27, 2019

5,600 Kids Still Held in Texas "Shelters"

5,600 migrant kids in Texas shelters

Even after Tornillo tent city’s closure, more than 5,600 migrant kids are living in Texas shelter

In Texas, and nationally, the number of unaccompanied migrant children being held in government-funded shelters declined in January, according to the latest state and federal data.

Most of the drop can be attributed to the closure on Jan. 11 of a temporary tent shelter in Tornillo, near El Paso. However, the Trump administration also announced in late December it would relax screening policies that immigrants rights groups have blasted for slowing placement of migrant kids with relatives and other sponsors.
As of Jan. 16, state data show there were 5,601 children living at the 34 remaining shelters across the state for unaccompanied youth.
Teachers Against Child Detention

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