Friday, December 14, 2018

Sacramento Teachers Present Alternative Budget Proposal

Teachers from across the District united together to present SCTA’s Students First Rebalancing Budget Proposal to address the budget fiasco at Sac City at the December 13, 2018 School Board meeting.  You can view our video by clicking here.
Despite increase in income of over $100 million in recent years, bureaucratic bloat and financial mismanagement jeopardize our children’s educational opportunities.
We believe it our responsibility to try to offer real solutions to the sac city’s budget fiasco.
That’s why we proposed today to the school board a proposal that would save the district $60 million, balance the budget, curb bureaucratic bloat by redirecting resources back to the classroom to lower class sizes, expand arts and music opportunities, provide summer learning opportunities and to put Sac City on a path to becoming the destination district in California.  You can view our proposal by clicking here.
We sincerely hope the superintendent will accept our offer to meet and join with us to find real solutions to this budget crisis.  Our children deserve no less.

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