Friday, May 18, 2018

History of Part of the Recent Left

Revolution in the Air
Sixties Radicals Turn to Lenin, Mao, and Che
by Max Elbaum
New Edition
with a Foreword by Alicia Garza,
co-founder of Black Lives Matter
  May 20,  4 PM. Time Tested Books.
Co sponsored by DSA and the Marxists School 
The first in-depth study of the US New Left's long march after 1968

Revolution in the Air is the definitive study of how radicals from the sixties movements embraced twentieth-century Marxism, and what movements of dissent today can learn from the legacies of Lenin, Mao and Che.

This new paperback edition, released fifty years after the seminal Protests of 1968, features a foreword by Alicia Garza, co-founder of Black Lives Matter. It is essential reading for those concerned with the radical history of the struggle for racial equality in the US- and how we can learn from that history to achieve a just future. 
“If you still believe sixties radicalism was nothing more than youthful middle-class confusion or parochial identity politics, then open these pages and dig.”
– Robin D.G. Kelley
“The breadth of Elbaum’s knowledge … marks this book as an absolutely first-rate work of political scholarship.”
– Village Voice
“It should be required reading for those interested in the modern history of social movements and for radicals of my generation who are trying to find out what went wrong.”
– Los Angeles Times
“Truly a superb work of scholarship that raises all the right questions.”
– Radical History

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