Wednesday, March 09, 2016

The American Way of Poverty

The American Way of Poverty ;
How the Other Half Still Lives

Author.  Sasha Abramsky. Speaking at the 7thannual  Progressive Forum.
March 17, 2016.  3 PM.  Folsom Hall 1050. 
Sasha Abramsky is a widely published journalist, who specializes in social justice and poverty reporting. His work has appeared in the Nation, the American Prospect, Salon, Slate, the New Yorker online, Rolling Stone, Mother Jones, the New York Times, the Village Voice, and many other publications both in the US and the UK.
The Abramsky lecture will be followed by speakers from a number  of local organizations encouraging the student vote in 2016. 
Duane Campbell, (DSA) The Left and the Sanders Campaign.  Student Votes Matter; Presentations by student activists and others.  Free.

Sponsors:  Sacramento Progressive Alliance, Campus Progressive Alliance,  Democratic Socialists of America, California Faculty Association,

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