Friday, February 12, 2016

Build the Political Movement - Sanders

Join Us.
Democratic Socialism 101
Workshop:  Feb. 18, 2016.   6 PM.
CSU Sacramento. Alpine Hall   204.
Topics:  What is this Political Revolution being discussed  in the campaign and the media ?
Why are most socialists supporting Bernie Sanders?
 What we do about taking our government back from the corporations and  the  political establishment ?
How to work on campus/ community? Organizations.  Introductions of non partisan candidates.  Skills.  Tabling on campus, door to door,
The Latino vote. The Student vote.  Trump and Immigration. Independent candidates.
We will provide trainings in GOTV, basic organizing methods, and communications, this political education training will enable you to better understand, articulate and persuade voters in  campaigns you might select to work with.

This is a non partisan event to prepare for and encourage  civic engagement and political participation.   The Sacramento Progressive Alliance has not yet endorsed any candidate for 2016.  Private donations fund this event.  Not endorsed, authorized  nor affiliated with any candidate or committee.
Co sponsors DSA, Progressive Alliance. Campus PA., Wellstone Democratic Club.
RSVP. For updated location information .

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