Socialism, democratic socialism, totalitarian communism, social democracy . . . these terms are being thrown around a lot right now. People are asking what they really mean.
Can you help me sustain interest in this topic? How do we keep people talking about democratic socialism at their dinner tables and in break rooms in a way that is not immediately and inherently negative?

I was on C-Span’s “Washington Journal” this week taking calls from around the country about democratic socialism. Here’s a short example of what we discussed:
Caller: “It comes down to the philosophical basis of your theory. Socialism requires that you take from some and give to the others. What is your philosophical basis for being able to do that?”
My response: “I would just say that that’s what’s happening right now under capitalism, from the bank bailouts to Walmart. Anybody that works really hard for a boss who pays them very little and takes a lot of money in, knows that that’s taking from some to give to others.”
One reason Bernie appeals to so many people is his ability to speak about democratic socialism in a language people understand. I tried to do the same.
The clip is almost a full hour, but I encourage you to watch it and also share it with your friends! Post on Facebook, tweet from Twitter, email or even just gather family around your computer.
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