Thursday, April 02, 2015

California School Funding Gap is Reduces

Proposition 30 Has Increased  California School Funding - and we passed it !
A valuable way of comparing states’ investment in schools is to look at  K-12 spending as a share of each state’s overall economy. Unlike       other commonly used measures, such as K-12 spending per student, this approach accounts for the personal income received by residents in each state, thus providing a more meaningful comparison that better reflects the financial resources available to support schools and other public systems and services.

 A new Budget Center fact sheet examines California’s K-12 spending as a share of the state’s economy. This analysis shows that while California’s investment in K-12 schools lags that in the rest of the n ation, the gap between California and the rest of the US has narrowed since 2012-13, partly as a result of voters approving Proposition 30’s tax increases in November 2012. Read the fact sheet.

From the California Budget and Policy Center  

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