Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Tuck raises more $ than Torlakson in School Chief's race

Tom Torlakson 
As of October 1, Charter School Business manager Marshall Tuck has outpaced incumbent Tom Torlakson in raising funds for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction race to be decided on  November 4,  according to the Sacramento Bee report.

"Tuck reported monetary contributions of $761,390 and a cash balance of $699,037 in his latest campaign filing, covering the period of July 1 to September 30, compared to Torlakson’s $617,183 raised and $608,609 on hand. Tuck has raised large amounts from Silicon Valley and other business executives, while Torlakson is heavily supported by organized labor. " See report on money raising in Silicon Valley below.
Tuck is a former charter school executive.  He has taken a strong stand in support of the Vergara decision ( currently being appealed) that would deny teachers several due process protections they currently have in California law and in union contracts.
Torlakson campaigned vigorously for Proposition 30 which has returned state school funding to its pre economic crisis level.  Marshall Tuck was not active in the campaign.  Now, he says he is uncertain whether he would support extension of the Proposition 30 tax increase when they expire in 2016.
The latest Field poll shows Tuck with a slim lead over Torlakson.

Tuck has received significant financial help in his campaign from Bill Bloomfield and Eli Broad of the Broad Foundation.  He generally has the support of neoliberal “school reformers” including Michelle Rhee, Kevin Johnson, and the group listed as Democrats for Education Reform, previously directed by former Senator Gloria Molina.  Molina lost a primary battle to Torlakson in the previous election.

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