Friday, October 17, 2014

LA district Superintendent Resigns after months of turmoil.

Marshall  Tuck could apply for this job!

From EdSource,  
In a statement issued jointly by Deasy and the board, the board stated that “at this time it does  not believe that the superintendent engaged in any ethical violations or unlawful acts.” Deasy has been at the center of a controversy regarding a $30 million contract awarded to Apple computer that distributed iPads to students. According to the statement, Deasy will remain “on special assignment” with the district until the end of the year.

From Hechinger Report-  an advocate of the corporate “reform” network.
Note. There are three links on this post to three different news sources of this story.  Readers are encouraged  to compare the coverage.

Take the Vergara v. California trial, which in June overturned state’s laws governing teacher tenure, seniority and dismissal. Deasy was the prosecution’s star witness. According to Zimmer, who supports some of the changes in teacher-protection, Deasy never even discussed the case with the school board. Zimmer was particularly disturbed that Deasy seemed to enjoy taking down laws that were put in place to protect the 28,000 teachers he leads.

His friends. ..
“Former Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa brought Deasy into the district with backing from billionaire Eli Broad, with the hope of growing the charter school system, confronting the teachers union, and changing the terms of teacher employment in Los Angeles
He is a 2006 graduate of a superintendent-training program funded by Broad, who favors teacher evaluations based on test scores.”

 Ed Note. These are the same bakers and financiers of the campaign of Marshall Tuck for California Superintendent of Public Instruction. See below.

 This is not guilt by association.  This is recognizing the network of supporters for this group of “alleged” school reformers. Perhaps if Tuck looses the election, he can apply for this open job. 

For a news report on his departure, not a corporate  "reform" promotion piece, see

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