Thursday, October 24, 2013

Obama is not a socialist. But, we are !

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Obama is not a socialist, but we are !
The  nation’s largest  democratic socialist organization meets in Emeryville  Oct. 25/27  to plan for :
 Socialism in the Age of Obama.   
The  DSA convention begins with a Bay Area  outreach event -- Building the Next Left -- Rebirth and Renewal,  Friday, October 25, 2013,  Humanist Hall,  390 27th Street, Oakland. The event features writer John Nichols; Catherine Tactaquin, Director of the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights; Steve Williams, Co-founder of POWER ( People Organized to Win Employment Rights); and Maria Svart, National Director of Democratic Socialists of America.
Last week  right-wing politics in the Congress forced the nation precariously close to a default on the national debt that could  have produced  a second great economic crisis.  The Democratic Socialists of America view this political corruption and cynicism as an opportunity to organize a New Left -- a powerful political movement left of the Democrats working with labor, workers organizations, immigrant groups and social movements to --
Rebuild a Participatory Democracy in a Multicultural U.S.
Speakers at the convention include: John Nichols, Tom Hayden, union leaders Jose La Luz and Michael Lighty, immigrant rights activists Catherine Tactaquin and David Bacon,  Joe Schwartz, Maria Svart, Steve Williams and more.

Elected delegates to the convention will determine DSA’s political direction; elect its National Political Committee; and attend workshops and plenary sessions about the jobs crisis,  the  student debt crisis,  DSA’s Grassroots Economics Training for Understanding and Power project and immigrants’ rights. They will  participate in trainings that will empower them to fight the attacks on unions, social insurance, the budget and anti-poverty programs.

The complete convention schedule is at

DSA, the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International, is the largest socialist political organization in the country, with more than 7,000 members and active chapters in more 40 U.S. cities and college  campuses. DSA chapters are active  in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Columbus, Wichita, Los Angeles, San Diego,  Sacramento and East Bay, among other cities. 

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