Top Obamacare Critic's
Op-Eds Drafted by PR Firm That Reps Drug, Health Care Clients
Ed. Note. This is how top PR firms work while
calling themselves research institutes.
Note below how the Broad Foundation and Michelle Rhee perform parallel services.
The Drum Report. Mother Jones.
Meet the magic PR elves fueling Sally Pipes'
prolific anti-health-care-reform punditry.
Last Tuesday, a week after the Supreme Court's
ruling upholding Obamacare, Sally Pipes appeared before
the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to enumerate the evils of
the law. The president of the Pacific Research Institute, a San
Francisco-based free-market think tank, Pipes warned members of Congress that if they didn't
act quickly Americans would soon suffer the rationed care and long waits
supposedly plaguing her native Canada. The country's health care system, she
insisted, had killed her mother by refusing to test her for colon cancer, which
she later died from.
Pipes' appearance on Capitol Hill, days
before the House voted for the 33rd time to repeal Obamacare, capped a busy two
weeks for the prominent critic of the president's health reform law. In just
the 24 hours following the Supreme Court's Obamacare decision, Pipes churned
out thousands of words of outraged copy, publishing columns in the National
Review Online, the Orange County Register, the Daily Caller, Human Events, and
elsewhere—all while running her small think tank and keeping up her typically
frenetic schedule of media interviews. All of this cemented her status as a
leading voice of Obamacare opposition. Along with a constant stream of op-eds
and TV appearances in recent years, she has also authored three books since
2008 lambasting health care reform.
If Pipes seems supernaturally prolific, there's a
good reason. To assist with her written output, PRI employs a DC-based ghostwriting
and PR firm with drug and health care industry clients. That firm, Keybridge
Communications, researches, drafts, and edits much of Pipes'
published work in an arrangement that's unusual for someone at a supposedly
independent think tank.
Several former PRI staffers tell Mother Jones
it was well known within the organization that Pipes relied heavily on
Keybridge, particularly for her books, and did far from all of her own writing.
(Pipes thanks Keybridge and specific staffers there in her last three books.)
In recent years, PRI has spent large amounts of money on Keybridge's services.
Between 2008 and 2010, the think tank paid Keybridge nearly $1 million—$400,000 alone in 2010.
It's a significant expenditure for a nonprofit of
PRI's size—the think tank's annual budget is close to $4 million—especially one
that until recently had about a dozen well-compensated marketing and research
staff in-house. (Last summer, experiencing financial problems, PRI laid off
about a third of its employees; several others left last year without being
replaced.) But unlike other scholars at PRI, research for Pipes' work wasn’t
handled by PRI's in-house research team, say former employees; it's been done
by Keybridge.
Keybridge's services for PRI have included
drafting and editing Pipes' op-eds, including her online column for Forbes,
"Piping Up." A Keybridge invoice from June 2011,
obtained by Mother Jones, details more than $17,000 worth of charges to
PRI for, among other things, services related to drafting four Forbes
columns for Pipes, operating her Twitter feed, and pitching op-eds on behalf of
Pipes and a couple other PRI staffers.
Pipes' op-eds, especially her Forbes
column, often read like advertorials, frequently addressing obscure health
policy topics and touting specific big companies by name. For instance, in
December and January, she published a pair of Piping Up columns bashing an attempt by the
federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to cut costs by
conducting a competitive bidding auction for medical equipment. In one column,
she named a medical device called "wound-vac," made by a company called
Kinetic Concepts, as an example of a product that might become inaccessible due
to the auction process.
Read the entire piece.
The Broad connection and Michele Rhee ( among others).
Mike Elk, Working In These Times.
Broad Foundation
Former Service Employees International Union
(SEIU) President Andy Stern has long faced criticism from dissidents within his
own union that he sold out workers in order to accommodate corporate America.
His critics say they have been proven right by Stern's career moves since he
left SEIU in 2010. In particular, they point to Stern taking two positions
associated with a private equity titan as well as joining the board of an
organization that is alleged to have trained school superintendents to combat
teachers' unions.
Stern recently accepted a paid
position on the board of directors of the biochemical
company SIGA, owned by billionaire Ron Perelman’s private equity firm
MacAndrews & Forbes. Stern also recently accepted an endowed position at
Columbia University as a Ronald O. Perelman Senior Fellow at the Richard Paul
Richman Center for Business, Law, and Public Policy. During his tenure at SEIU,
Stern faced criticsim for cutting a 2006 deal with
AlliedBarton, also owned by Perelman, in which SEIU agreed to abandon an organizing drive of an estimated 10,000 security
guards in exchange for employer neutrality in organizing AlliedBarton
security guards elsewhere.
Stern has also taken an unpaid position on the
board of directors of the Broad Center, which critics allege is hostile to
teachers’ unions. (Along with Stern, the center's board also includes former
Obama economic advisor Larry Summers, former Democratic
Congressman turned bank lobbyist Harold Ford Jr.,
and former Louisiana state Superintendent of Education Paul Pastorek, who is infamous for
using the devastation from Hurricane Katrina as a means of converting public
schools to charter schools and pushing voucher programs.) The Broad Center is
run by the Broad Foundation, which has spent $400 million to fulfill its mission statement of
“transforming urban K-12 public education through better governance,
management, labor relations and competition.” The Broad Foundation was founded
by billionaire Eli Broad, who believes that
education reform entails taking anti-teacher union measures such as “charter
schools, performance pay for teachers and accountability” for teachers.
In 2006, Broad told Vanity Fair that
his vision of reform comes from “the top down." The next year saw Broad
and Bill Gates team up to spend $60 million on
their vision of education reform, which meant weakening teacher union contracts
to allow for more flexibility. The Broad Foundation also sponsored the
notorious anti-teachers'-union movie, Waiting for Superman. After the
election of Barack Obama and the appointment of teachers-union foe Arne Duncan
as Secretary of Education, Broad told the Wall
Street Journal that his vision of education reform was possible
because "the unions no longer control the education agenda of the
Democratic Party.”
Many education activists charge that the Broad
Center, led by former New York City Public School Chancellor Joel Klein and
former Washington, D.C. Public School Chancellor Michelle Rhee, is a training
ground for superintendents who “reform” education by limiting the power of
teachers’ unions and promoting privatization plans through charter schools. The
Broad Center trains people with no background in education to be school
superintendents in six weekend courses spread over a 10-month period. The
program is considered an alternative to regulations in many states that require
superintendents to have years of training and experience in education.
The Broad
Superintendent Academy's website brags that “In 2011, 48
percent of all large urban superintendent openings were filled by Broad Academy
graduates.” Most prominently the Broad Center
trained Chicago Public Schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard,
whose poor labor relations motivated 89% of Chicago Teachers Union members to
vote in favor of authorizing
a strike.
“The chairman of the board Joel Klein is a fierce
critic of teachers' unions; so is Michelle Rhee. The Broad Center is most
certainly a pro-charter school organization. Eighty-eight percent of charters
are non-union,” says former Assistant Secretary of Education Diane Ravitch, a
leading critic of so-called "education reform." “I found it very odd
to see Andy Stern on that board.”
In an interview with Working In These Times,
Stern says of his unpaid role with the Broad Center that “They train leaders in
education from superintendents to other people. They have no ideology in the
sense of a proscribed set of policies, management leadership, or dealing with
school boards. A lot of this is for people that are from education by their
history. It’s for people from other walks of life like Michael Bennett and Joel
Klein and many others. Their goal is to not pursue a specific ideology, but to
understand all the different issues facing education.”
My last year as an educator was under a Broad educated superintendent. The atmosphere in the middle school where I worked changed from a calm learning environment where students as well as teachers felt respected to a chaotic dangerous place where some students raced through the halls while others hid in corners. Methods of discipline that had worked well were thrown out by the Superintendent and the students were out of control. The parents and teachers worked together to get this Superintendent removed but it took two school years. I shudder to think of the damage done to the students during that time.