Monday, July 02, 2012

80% of California Trigger cuts come from K-12 education

The California  Budget Agreement Assumes Voters Approve the Governor’s Ballot Measure in November
Additional “Trigger” Cuts Will Be Made if Voters Reject the Governor’s Ballot Measure in November
The budget agreement would automatically trigger an additional $6.0 billion in midyear spending cuts if voters reject the Governor’s November ballot initiative. These reductions would take effect on January 1, 2013 and would primarily affect public schools, colleges, and universities. If voters do not approve the Governor’s measure, the following cuts would be triggered:
·       ·  $4.8 billion from public schools, with schools authorized to reduce the school year from the current minimum of 175 days of instruction to 160 days of instruction in each of 2012-13 and 2013-14 ;
·       ·  $550.0 million from the California Community Colleges (CCC), with the CCC chancellor authorized to reduce college enrollment proportionately;
·       ·  $250.0 million from the University of California;
·       ·  $250.0 million from the California State University;
·       ·  $50.0 million from the Department of Developmental Services;
·       ·  $20.0 million in reduced funding for a new grant program for city police departments;
·       ·  $10.0 million from the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection;

·       ·  $6.6 million from flood control programs;
·       ·  $5.0 million in reduced grants to local law enforcement for water safety patrols;
·       ·  $3.5 million in reduced funding for Department of Fish and Game wardens and non-warden programs;
·       ·  $1.5 million in reduced funding for state park rangers and lifeguards at state beaches; and
·       ·  $1.0 million from the Department of Justice’s law enforcement programs.
See the Report of the California Budget Project.
80.7% of the cuts come from K-12 education.

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