Monday, May 07, 2012

Teacher Performance Testing - PACT

There is a New York Times article today about Resistance to Outsourcing Teacher Licensing.  Move to Outsource Teacher Licensing Process Draws Protest
... Student teachers at the University of Massachusetts are protesting a new national licensure procedure being developed by the education ...
May 6, 2012 - By MICHAEL WINERIP - Education - Article - Print Headline: "Move to Outsource Teacher Licensing Process Draws Protest"
A group of faculty and students at UMASS Amherst are resisting the assessment system developed and used in California, known as PACT. In the article Prof. Raymond Pecheone of Stanford and others claim there is no organized resistance to this testing.
To the contrary.  A group of faculty and students in the CSU have consistently resisted this testing as invalid and not reliable.  Here is a record of some of this resistance.
Duane Campbell.  Democracy and Education Institute. 

1 comment:

  1. EDBM 1184:00 PM

    Our class found these following statements to be the main topics of the article.

    -In some states, the new licensing procedure appears to take the human aspect out of assessment and replaces it with a machine-like model (a.k.a. a business model approach).

    -After all your hard work in the program, you have to capture your best work in two ten minute video segments.

    -Student teachers are literally teaching to the constraints of the test-constraints that may or may not accurately reflect one's ability to teach.

    We believe that teachers cannot be accurately assessed by a video clip. It is also not a fair assessment being evaluated by an outside company. In addition, the $300 application fee (to be assessed) seems like a method of keeping financially challenged candidates from applying.
