Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Common Core Standards- David Coleman

Backer of Common Core School Curriculum Is Chosen to Lead College Board
By Tamar Lewin : New York Times
David Coleman, an architect of the common core curriculum standards that are being adopted in nearly all 50 states, will become the president of the College Board, starting in October.
Editors note: Common core standards is what the politicians talk about while cutting school budgets.  Such standards do not teach a single student.
“There’s no reason on earth for common core standards and these tests that we’re wasting billions of dollars on,” said Stephen Krashen, an emeritus education professor at the University of Southern California. “The problem is poverty, poverty, poverty. Middle-class children who go to well-funded schools do very well, but even the best tests, the most inspiring teachers, won’t mean anything if the kids don’t have enough to eat.”

The College Board, a membership organization of high schools and colleges that administers the SAT, the Advanced Placement program and other standardized tests, helped design the standards — an outline of what students should learn in English and math from kindergarten through high school — meant to ensure that all high school graduates are prepared for college.
Many other leading education figures, including Arne Duncan, the secretary of education, and former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida, also endorsed the appointment.
Kati Haycock, president of the Education Trust, said, “David is one of the true creative geniuses in the ed reform world, one of the brightest, most engaging and most persistent people in the field.”
Mr. Coleman and the standards have other critics, too.
Over all, Mr. Coleman said, there is widespread enthusiasm for the standards. “The degree of consensus is remarkable,” he said. “I think a lot of my success has been my ability to work with teachers.”
See the full article.

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