Monday, May 16, 2011

Inside Job Trailer 2010 HD

We viewed the film on Friday sponsored by the Progressive Alliance and DSA.  It is a great video.
Many viewers were frustrated.  They asked- well what can we do?
I made a list of possible responses.  I encourage additional ideas.

10 Things you and I can do to turn this state around.
1.     Vote against the Republicans.
2.     Search for progressive Democrats.
3.     Talk to your neighbors about the issues.
4.     Shut off Fox News.
5.     Move your money to a credit union.
6.     Join a union.  Or, a union support group. www.aflcio.org

7.     Sit quietly for 10 minutes per day. Shut off all radio, TV, telephone.Think about additional ways to promote economic democracy.
8.     Copy this list.  Give it to friends, neighbors, colleagues. ( do not send via e mail. Personally give it to them).
9.     Post suggestions of Facebook, twitter, etc.
10. Go see Inside Job. – then take action.
11. Join an organization working for economic and social justice. ( Like DSA).
12. Think of 2 additional ways to promote economic justice. Post them on your list.


  1. Duane,

    I have to agree that "Inside Story" is a powerful movie and well worth seeing. The question of what we can do to turn the state and federal governments around is the crucial question for us all.

    We have learned that most Democrats are no better than Republicans on issues of economic or social justice. They talk the talk, but never walk the walk. It is the rare progressive Democrat who can win a primary against a well-funded corporate hack. Unfortunately our unions are far more interested in protecting what's left of their turf and the incomes of their executives than they are in justice. That's why they support corporate Democrats.

    IMHO even organizations like DSA that are committed to economic and social justice are bereft of viable strategies to realize their goals. All I see are exhortations to repeat the same tactics that have failed to bring about change over the last 40 years and hope they work the next time. Am I wrong?

  2. Thanks for the comment. We are looking for some responses. I, individually, think that we need to throw
    a few hundred of the financial leaders in jail. As suggested in the video. Leaders of each of the major firms.
    Even then, we will need other changes.
    If not, I believe it will all happen again and again.
