Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dropout prevention

Grad Nation: A Guidebook to Help Communities Tackle the Dropout Crisis - a resource that echoes many of the strategies NEA advocates - is available online from America’s Promise Alliance, one of NEA’s national dropout prevention partners.
The user-friendly guidebook is an excellent resource for NEA state and local affiliates that want to help communities develop tailored plans for keeping students on track to graduate from high school, prepared for college, work and life.
Grad Nation contains research-based guidance for addressing a community’s dropout crisis, links to additional online resources, and ready-to-print tools such as informational handouts to build support for community action, forms and tables to help organize and analyze local data, and charts to guide local decision making. 

Authors Robert Balfanz, associate professor at the Everyone Graduates Center housed at the Center for Social Organization of Schools, Johns Hopkins University, and John Bridgeland, president and CEO, Civic Enterprises, provide step-by-step guidance for:
  1. Rallying a community to end its dropout crisis and increase high school graduation rates
  2. Mapping the exact nature of a community’s dropout crisis
  3. Developing comprehensive solutions to address the crisis
  4. Moving forward to create lasting change
Released in late winter of 2009, America’s Promise plans to update the guidebook’s content periodically as new information becomes available and communities share what they have learned working with the guidebook’s resources.

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