Sunday, November 07, 2010

In California Latino Votes made the difference

Unlike 1994, the Latino vote made the critical difference in keeping California in the Democratic Party column on election day in 2010.   Democrats actually increased their majority in the State Assembly.
According to exit polls, Latinos made up 22 percent of the California  electorate Tuesday,  compared with 18 percent in 2008 and 12 percent in 2006. Brown won 64 percent of the Latino vote, while Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman won 30 percent. The Latino vote was higher and more partisan toward Democrats than had been predicted by the Field Poll just days prior to the election. 
The poll also showed 42 percent of voters identifying themselves as Democrats, 31 percent as Republicans and 27 percent as nonpartisans or minor-party members.
The one group that has consistently voted Republican in California  is older, White, males.

In 1994 The voters of California voted 62% to 38% in favor of Proposition 187, the Save Our State initiative to restrict illegal immigration.  A number of groups including FAIR, the Republican Party, and the Perot organization worked together to qualify the initiative. Significant parts of this proposition became federal law in the 1996 welfare reform laws.
    In 1994 California had a population that is 56.3 % White, 26.3 % Latino, 9.4% Asian, 7.4 % African American, and 0.6% other.  However, according to exit polls, the voters in this election were 80% white, 9% Latino, 7 % African American, and 4 % Asian. Exit polls show that Latinos voted against Prop. 187 by 3 to 1, African Americans split their vote 50 -50, and the Anglo electorate passed the proposition by over 60%.
   In the 2000 census California had a population that was 47.6 % White, 32.4% Latino, 10% Asian/Pacific Islander, 6.4% Black, and 2.7% Mixed race.


In 1994 The voters of California voted 62% to 38% in favor of Proposition 187, the Save Our State initiative to restrict illegal immigration.  A number of groups including FAIR, the Republican Party, and the Perot organization worked together to qualify the initiative. Significant parts of this proposition became federal law in the 1996 welfare reform laws.
    In 1994 California had a population that is 56.3 % White, 26.3 % Latino, 9.4% Asian, 7.4 % African American, and 0.6% other.  However, according to exit polls, the voters in this election were 80% white, 9% Latino, 7 % African American, and 4 % Asian. Exit polls show that Latinos voted against Prop. 187 by 3 to 1, African Americans split their vote 50 -50, and the Anglo electorate passed the proposition by over 60%.
   In the 2000 census California had a population that was 47.6 % White, 32.4% Latino, 10% Asian/Pacific Islander, 6.4% Black, and 2.7% Mixed race.

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