Students and Parent Groups Give Report Card on California Schools From 2000 – 2010

WHAT: On the west steps of the California Capitol Building. students, parents, and allies will mount their defense of a public school system that has been under attack for the last decade. Instead of receiving grades, theCampaign for Quality Education will instead grade California’s schools from 2000 – 2010. Based on data, personal experience, and community surveys, the CQE will be grading California’s schools in the following categories: Funding, Graduation Rates, College and Career Readiness, Teacher Quality, Facilities/Materials, and Accountability.
With the May California budget revise underway, students and parents from across California—Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, the Central Valley, San Jose, San Francisco, and Oakland—will also speak out against the $17 billion cuts to education over the last two years, back legislation that supports accountability and revenue creation, and make delegation visits with their local legislators. With immigrant students, low-income students, and students of color a majority of California’s schools, the CQE will stress that their needs are California’s needs.
With the May California budget revise underway, students and parents from across California—Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, the Central Valley, San Jose, San Francisco, and Oakland—will also speak out against the $17 billion cuts to education over the last two years, back legislation that supports accountability and revenue creation, and make delegation visits with their local legislators. With immigrant students, low-income students, and students of color a majority of California’s schools, the CQE will stress that their needs are California’s needs.
This event is timed to coincide with Brown v. Board. Fifty-six years after the landmark Supreme Court case was supposed to desegregate schools, California graduates less than 60% of its black and brown students from high school.
WHEN: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 10:30am Speakout
1:00pm Legislative Visits
WHEN: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 10:30am Speakout
1:00pm Legislative Visits
WHERE: State Capitol Building (West Steps), Capitol Avenue, L Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
WHY: “We are beyond cuts to the education budget,” said Melia Franklin, Executive Director of Parent Leadership Action Network (PLAN). “This is an amputation and California’s future will pay for this ‘Lost Generation’ for years to come. We come as parents and students of color, the people most affected by this Crisis in Priorities, to defend education and include our voice in solving this crisis."
For more information or to join us, please call Paul Tran, Communications Director at Californians for Justice, at (562) 951-1015 or email him
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