Thursday, January 14, 2010

Critic of United Farm Workers speaks in Sacramento

Miriam Pawel, who can be described as a critic of the United Farm Workers union and the legacy of Cesar Chavez is speaking at  least two  venues in Sacramento today. Pawel discusses her new book,  The Union of their Dreams- Power, Hope and Struggle in Cesar Chavez’s Farm Worker Movement.

Responses to her charges and her lack of objectivity exist in a number of places.
Here are a few.

Posted by: LeRoy Chatfield (IP Logged). Date: January 10, 2006 09:20PM. Los Angeles Times reporter, Miriam Pawel, has written a breathless, judgmental, ...

Marshall Ganz, Why David Sometimes Wins.  Review.


  1. Duane,
    If you are going to cite LeRoy Chatfield's commentary on my work, perhaps you would like to share with your readers his lengthy commentary on my book -- which would seem more appropriate than linking to his comments on the series, since the work we are disucssing right now is the book.

    Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge neither Marshall Ganz nor Randy Shaw -- both of whose books draw on and cite my stories in the LA Times -- has criticized my lack of objectivity or "responded to my charges" in any way. To link to reviews of their books under the heading that you do and suggest they share your criticisms of my work is quite misleading.

    Furthermore, I don't know if you have actually read my book, but on the jacket you will find praise from leading historians in the field, including Al Camarillo and David Gutierrez, perhaps the two leading Chicano scholars. Ilan Stavans, a leading professor of Latino Studies at Amherst, has also praised the work, as has the renowned historian Kevin Starr.

    Miriam Pawel

  2. Actually, Leroy Chatfield was quite specific in his response to your book. However, that post is not now available. The Farmworker Movement web site post says it is down for spam content.
    I refer others to check the Chatfield post when it comes up.

  3. If you can get a link to the Chatfield response to your book, please send it. I think that it should be posted.
    Also, Marc Grossman has responded.
