Dear Friend,
Reports of journalists, bloggers and videomakers being arrested keep rolling in. The St. Paul police department's targeting of journalists, including Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! and the I-Witness videomakers, is having a chilling effect on free speech as the city hosts the Republican National Convention.
Many in the mainstream media are ignoring these attacks on journalism -- and some independent media makers are still in jail. But in less than 24 hours, more than 35,000 people have signed our letter demanding that press intimidation cease immediately and that all charges against journalists be dropped.
This is an incredible response. Help deliver the message that a free press will not be intimidated!
Help Us Reach 50,000 Letters: Take Action Now
P.S. Below is yesterday's e-mail with detailed information about the arrests.
Dear Friend,
Police in St. Paul arrested several journalists yesterday, including Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman.
Stand Up for Independent Journalism
Yesterday, police in St. Paul arrested several journalists, including Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman and an AP photographer as they were covering protests of the Republican National Convention.
Amy Goodman and others were released last night, but the story is not over.
We need you to cosign our public letter demanding that press intimidation cease immediately, and that all charges be dropped. It will be delivered immediately to St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman, the RNC Host Committee and the local prosecuting attorneys. We need 10,000 signatures in the next 24 hours, so please take action now:
Sign the Letter: Drop All Charges Against Journalists
In addition to these arrests, police with firearms drawn raided a meeting of the video journalists' group I-Witness and arrested independent media, bloggers and videomakers. We’re also receiving late-breaking reports of other arrests.
By signing this letter, you’re sending a powerful message: Officials must rein in aggressive and violent tactics by local law enforcement, stop the targeting of journalists and immediately drop all charges against them.
Reporting by independent journalists is vital to a functioning democracy. Americans must have access to diverse sources of information to hold their leaders accountable. Journalists must be free to do their jobs without intimidation.
Please Take Action by Signing this Letter
Don’t wait. We need a free press now more than ever. Tell your friends and take action now!
Thank you,
Josh Silver
Executive Director
Free Press
Los Angeles Resisting Trump's Deportations
1 week ago
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