John Kerry botched a joke. George Bush botched a war.
Which do you think John Doolittle is talking about today?
Front page of the Sacramento Bee today;
“FBI Probes funds for Doolittle trip.” Unfortunately the story is not up on the web.
From the Bee:
As the race intensified, both Democratic and Republican national congressional committees began pouring money into a district they long had ignored.
The Brown camp has been airing radio and television ads portraying Doolittle in danger of indictment over his association with Abramoff, a powerful lobbyist who has pleaded guilty to corruption charges for attempting to influence members of Congress.
Doolittle has denied any wrongdoing -- legal or otherwise.
Paul Hackett to appear.
You won't want to miss this. PLEASE PASS THIS MESSAGE ON TO ALL YOU FRIENDS. Paul Hackett from Ohio, who ran for Congress last year and proved that "Fighting Democrats" could compete in extreme Republican districts, will be here in Cameron Park, California on Saturday for a GOTV (Get-Out-The-Vote) rally. His campaign was an inspiration to the early campaign of Lt. Colonel Charlie Brown (USAF retired) because Paul Hackett was successful enough to nearly win. The polls now show that our man Charlie Brown is practically tied with the corrupt "Do Nothing" incumbent. We can make all the difference if we can get as many of our voters out as possible. We are reminding people to vote -- by putting up doorknob leaflets and making phone calls. If you would like to meet Paul Hackett AND will help with the GOTV effort, please come to our rally. We need as many people as possible to help us put up doorkhangers and to make phone calls. We will be doing GOTV work all weekend, on Monday, and on Tuesday -- Election Day. If you would like to come help with this effort here and need a place to stay, call me at (530) 677-7230.
Don Nicodemus, Chair of the Sierra Foothills Democratic Club in Cameron Park & El Dorado Hills
Get Out The Vote for Charlie Brown, Jim Cook, and Rob Haswell
Paul Hackett will be here to help us get out the vote. Paul came all the way from Ohio. I hope that you can come up to the foothills and help us too!
Assembly candidates Colonel Jim Cook (USMC retired) and Rob Haswell will also be attending.
The location of the rally is the Cameron Park Library.
Directions: Take Highway 50 to the Cambridge Rd. exit in Cameron Park, go north one block past the highway, turn left on Knollwood, go two blocks, and turn left on Country Club Rd. The Library parking lot is on the left past the open field.
Sierra Foothills Democratic Club members and other volunteer who would like to help us set up are encouraged to come at 10 a.m.
Saturday, November 4
10:30 a.m.
2500 Country Club Rd.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
Sponsored by: Brown for Congress and El Dorado County Democrats
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