Women’s Equality Day Parade Sat. August 26
Help us commemorate and reaffirm women’s right to vote
Join the Progressive Alliance Contingent; or others
9:30 Am. South Side Part ( 8th. and T Street)
go to www.womenequalityparade.com for details.
They were spit upon, beaten, jailed, vilified in the pulpit, and sometimes scorned by their own sex. They were courageous risk takers who took on a government and the president of the most powerful nation in the world for a democratic principle, the right to vote. Yes, these were the "suffragettes" so-dubbed by the press and other detractors. Modern women are indebted to them and should appreciate their 72 years of sacrifices to gain that long-denied right to vote.
They who gave so much would shudder to learn that 22 million single women voters failed to vote in a presidential election with the potential to greatly impact their lives with steps backward on issues that affect not only of them, but of the world. Those women need to be awakened to their ability to change the course of history as their foremothers did.
How to do it? Hold a parade! Organizers hold before them the image of the 1913 one in Washington, D.C. when "6- 8,000 suffragists marched in a procession featuring colorful banners, marching bands, symbolic floats, and regiments of women marching by states alongside those of business and professions, delegations of women in their native costumes representing full or partial suffrage, a float showing women working beside men in the field and factory and another of elaborately costumed Women of the Bible."
Los Angeles Resisting Trump's Deportations
1 week ago
1 comment:
Regarding the Women's Equality parade:
How hypocritical, feminists celebrating Equality Day, when feminist organizations are in an ongoing campaign to oppress fathers. Every single time family law reformists attempt to pass laws guaranteeing equality to both genders, who's there not only opposing them, but outright lying to legislators in the process? FEMINISTS!
The suffragettes would be appalled!
REAL feminists support EQUALITY, not domination!
Just as suffragettes went on a hunger strike, so is John Murtari, a loving New York father risking his life to expose civil rights violations to average Americans in family courts.
info: http://feminist4fathers.mensnewsdaily.com, akidsright.org
Hillary Clinton said, "It takes a village." If this is so, why has she ignored Mr. Murtari for years while he asked for her help with his duties and rights as a father to his son? Will her lack of concern, her lack of interest in a constituent (because he's male?) lead to his death?
When will other REAL feminists take a stand?
Teri Stoddard, Feminist4Fathers
"Which feminist along the way forgot to read the manual?" - http://feminist4fathers.mensnewsdaily.com
"Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage, whenever possible. Shared parenting works." - http://www.sharedparentingworks.org
Purple Ribbon Campaign For Equal Parenting - Upload your photo to Flickr with the tag "purple ribbon campaign" or send it to me.
Join our Frappr map! - http://www.frappr.com/familylawreformadvocatesandactivists
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