In Hauck we can’t trust
The general of ‘Arnie’s Army’—a CSU Trustee— is working for his cronies—not for the university
By Irv Muchnick
Contributing Editor
Point 10 of the California State University Trustees’ Code of Conduct, adopted in March 2004, prohibits a board member “from accepting duties, incurring obligations, accepting gifts or favors [or] engaging in private business or professional activities when there is, or would appear to be, a conflict or incompatibility between the Trustee’s private interests” and those of the CSU.
Strong words; “Caesar’s wife” standards, even. Yet just two years later CFA finds itself applying them, at high volume, to perhaps the best known of all the Trustees: William Hauck, a consummate Sacramento insider and main¬stream media go-to guy from his $300,600-a-year perch as president of the California Business Roundtable.
In early May some 250 CSU faculty, staff and students demonstrated out¬side Hauck’s office in Sacramento. They waved large red “F” signs alongside a huge puppet of the Trustee’s likeness, calling attention to the grade they thought he deserved for his failed representation of the public interest dur¬ing the fight to rebuild the nation’s largest public university system.
‘Bill Hauck is powerful and politically connected. When he speaks, people listen. But the question is, who is writing his script? The California Business Roundtable has an agenda. In our view that agenda isn’t shared by the 35 million Californians the CSU has a covenant to serve.’
Three weeks later, in Beverly Hills, another crowd of protestors, decked out in caps and gowns, and waving colorful signs, made more purposeful noise outside the exclusive hotel where Hauck was hosting a luncheon for Gov. SChwarzenegger and their fellow buig business Cronies. The problem, as CFA warned at the was hosting a luncheon for Gov. Arnold ments made the connections more than time, is that the Compact has proven Schwarzenegger and their fellow big-just obvious—
I am unable to copy the remainder of the article. For the full article and excellent photos go to
This is in the summer issue of California Faculty.
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