Friday, March 03, 2006

Collective Bargaining in Education: new book

Collective Bargaining in Education:
Negotiating Change in Today's Schools (Harvard Education Press),
edited by Jane Hannaway of the Urban Institute and Progressive Policy Institute Senior Fellow and Education Sector Co-Director
Andrew Rotherham.
This groundbreaking and timely new book takes an in-depth look at the controversial world of teacher collective bargaining and its important implications.

"It is unfathomable that, in light of recent efforts to close the student achievement gap, the body of research examining the impact of collective bargaining by teachers on public education is so scant. What are the facts and how do we find them? Hannaway and
Rotherham rightly raise the issue and put forth real alternatives"
--Andrew Stern, President, Service Employees International Union

"Jane Hannaway and Andrew Rotherham have turned a searchlight on an important and neglected subject. Collective Bargaining in Education assembles experts who often have strongly contrasting views but
whose knowledge and perspectives are invaluable. This is a must-read for anyone concerned about reforming public education."
--William L. Taylor, Chairman, Citizens' Commission on Civil Rights

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