Thursday, February 27, 2025

Boycott; Feb.28, 2025.

A black fist with hundreds of blue words in it — including "boycott" "Trump" "Defy" Resist"        

Boycotts can be a powerful tool to make companies stop doing bad things.

Boycotts are people power. Let us know if you’re part of that power!

that power!

For one day, 

show them who really holds the power.


Friday The 28th 

12:00 AM to 11:59 PM


Do not make any purchases

Do not shop online, or in-store

No Amazon, No Walmart, No Best Buy


Do not spend money on:

Fast Food


Major Retailers

Do not use Credit or Debit Cards for non essential spending


Only buy essentials of absolutely necessary 

(Food, Medicine, Emergency Supplies)

If you must spend, ONLY support small, local businesses.


Talk about it, post about it, and document your actions that day!


~ Corporations and banks only care about their bottom line.

~ If we disrupt the economy for just ONE day, it sends a powerful message.

~ If they don't listen (they won't) we make the next blackout longer (We will.)


The Capital Women's Campaign (CWC), chaired by former Sacramento Mayor Heather Fargo, is an alliance of pro-choice activists from the greater Sacramento region determined to flex our collective power. If you have information to share, especially regarding bringing more pro-choice women into the political process, please send to  Note that if you prefer not to receive information/calls to action from CWC, simply reply to this email with a request to be removed from our mailing list.

Boycotting on Feb 28th? Make sure your impact goes on the record! 


Bezos’s New Editorial Team: All the President’s Men

Bezos’s New Editorial Team: All the President’s Men: Today on TAP: The primary goal of the Post’s new editorial policy is to protect the owner’s wealth.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

House Republicans Take Food, Health Care and More From Children and Elderly

RS Seminar- Economic Crisis: House Republicans Take Food, Health Care and More ...:   .org Last night, every House Republican -- with only one exception -- voted for a  budget framework  that would gut Medicaid and other lif...

Medicade, Medicare, and More. This Friday.

RS Seminar- Economic Crisis: Medicade, Medicare, and More. This Friday.:       📚   THIS FRIDAY!  📚 February 28th at NOON STATEWIDE LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES FORUM Join CARA and our coalition partners to learn about...

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Los Angeles Resisting Trump's Deportations

antiracismdsa: Los Angeles Resisting Trump's Deportations:   Los Angeles is leading the way in resisting Trump’s mass deportations Since Trump’s inauguration, Latinos and their allies in LA have orga...

Monday, February 24, 2025

Protests Needed

 From Indivisible leaders.  

Taking down dictatorships always requires personal courage, ownership of as a member of the opposition and accepting the reality there will be sacrifices


But one thing that’s hard to predict is courage. As Leah and I wrote in a new Nation op-ed that Rachel Maddow generously quoted on air:

These are frightening times, and frightening times call for active, courageous leadership. Musk and Trump are really seeking to annex the operations of the state to their pet vanity projects, bigotries, and conspiracy theories, but our enemy is not one or two men. Our enemy is apathy, cynicism, and fatalism; the pernicious, authoritarian-friendly belief that we are merely victims of world events rather than active participants in a global struggle for freedom and justice. Every time one of us -- a family member, a community organizer, a representative, a senator -- takes a step forward in this fight, a thousand pairs of eyes watch and learn. Courage is contagious.


 There is no social change unless there is a strong and organized social movement with healthy leadership and clear goals. If you don’t know what that means, go back and study the civil rights movement. And the state of emergency, the state of exception that we are in, requires exceptional counter-measures. The same old same old counseled by professional party consultants, and web-based non-profits and Superpacs are dead ends. We are not there yet, but we will be before this is over, because we must.++

Friday, February 21, 2025

Has Trump Started World War III ?


Apparently Mr. Trump does not know how World War II started.

Neville Chamberlain
posted by Duane Campbell


Teachers, Educators, ACT Now- Linda McMahon


Monday, February 10, 2025

Change the NARRATIVE


Eric Blanc

Labor Politics 


On BlueSky

Changing the Narrative

Wide-scale, attention-grabbing collective actions can drive home to the public the truth about federal workers and the danger of Musk’s cuts. Far too many people don’t know crucially important facts about federal employees and the services they provide:

— Due to Trump’s budget chaos, health clinics across the US have already been forced to close.

— Musk’s reckless operation threatens enormous numbers of Americans. Without federal workers at sufficiently funded agencies, no one in the US would be able to receive benefits such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, or workplace safety protections, among many other essential services. Local schools and hospitals all across the country also depend on federal funding.

— Contrary to right-wing claims about a massively expanded federal bureaucracy, the percentage of the American workforce working for the federal government has declined significantly over the past 25 years.

— Billionaires, not federal employees, are hoarding America’s wealth: total yearly pay for all 2.3 million civilian federal employees ($271 billion) is significantly less than Elon Musk’s personal net worth of $412 billion.

— Most federal workers are not rich bureaucrats: 43% of federal workers make less than $90,000 yearly, and 58.8% make less than $110,000 yearly.

— About 60% of the budget for paying federal employees goes to the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Department of Homeland Security.

— This impacts the whole country: Over 80% of federal employees work in regions other than Washington D.C.

Lessons from the Red State Revolt

How can federal workers win over the public and defeat these attacks on their jobs and essential services? Their best bet is to replicate the tactics that made possible the successful 2018 teachers’ strikes in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, and beyond.



Sunday, February 09, 2025

Why Pay Federal Taxes ?


The White House is Forcing a Showdown Over Power of the Purse.  NYT.


The White House may win, at least partially. 

However, that would be an illegitimate government, by the constitution.

We have no obligation to pay taxes to illegitimate government.


This coming April 19 will mark the 250th anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord, which began the American Revolution and our war against monarchical power. 

Anti-royalist militia in Massachusetts refused to disperse when ordered to by British troops. A shot was fired, and the troops kept firing, killing eight of those American resisters. Later that day, the militiamen returned that fire, killing a number of British soldiers. The revolution had begun. 

Please don’t get me wrong. I do not advocate violence. I’m simply reminding you that this nation was founded on resistance to arbitrary authority. We built American democracy in the face of what seemed to be impossible odds. 

And we will never, ever give up that fight. 

My friend Harold Meyerson suggests that on April 19 we stage massive peaceful protests in every city and town — crowds of Americans celebrating the anti-monarchical uprising of 1775 and pledging their allegiance to that heritage by denouncing Trump’s increasingly autocratic rule: Thereby flooding Trump and Musk’s zone still further. 

Sounds like a good idea to me. You? Robert Reich.

And, we can begin to not pay our taxes. In honor of the American Revolution.

Duane Campbell



Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Trump’s America Inspires Only Fear

Trump’s America Inspires Only Fear: Today on TAP: As with Trump himself, our relationships are now based on others’ submission to our power, not admiration of our character.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Trump: Two Weeks of Chaos

 Trump/MAGA Destruction. Two weeks of chaos. 

Timothy Snyder, 

Trump’s tariffs (which are also likely illegal) are there to make us poor. Trump’s attacks on America’s closest friends, countries such as Canada and Denmark, are there to make enemies of countries where constitutionalism works and people are prosperous. As their country is destroyed, Americans must be denied the idea that anything else is possible.

Deportations are a spectacle to turn Americans against one another, to make us afraid, and to get us to see pain and camps as normal. They also create busy-work for law enforcement, locating the “criminals” in workplaces across the country, as the crime of the century takes place at the very center of power. 

The best people in American federal law enforcement, national security, and national intelligence are being fired. The reasons given for this are DEI and trumpwashing the past. Of course, if you fire everyone who was concerned in some way with the investigations of January 6th or of Russia, that will be much or even most of the FBI. Those are bad reasons, but the reality is worse: the aim is lawlessness: to get the police and the patriots out of the way.

In the logic of destruction, there is no need to rebuild afterwards. In this chaos, the oligarchs will tell us that there is no choice but to have a strong man in charge. It can be a befuddled Trump signing ever larger pieces of paper for the cameras, or a conniving Vance who, unlike Trump, has always known the plot. Or someone else.

After we are all poor and isolated, the logic goes, we will be consoled by the thought that there is at least a human being to whom we can appeal. We will settle for a kind of anthropological minimum, wishful contact with the strong man. As in Russia, pathetic video selfies sent to the Leader will be the extent of politics.

For the men currently pillaging the federal government, the data from those video selfies is more important than the people who will make them. The new world they imagine is not just anti-American but anti-human. The people are just data, means to the end of accumulating wealth.

They see themselves as the servants of the freedom of the chosen few, but in fact they are possessed, like millennia of tyrants before them, of fantastic dreams: they will live forever, they will go to Mars. None of that will happen; they will die here on Earth, with the rest of us, their only legacy, if we let it happen, one of ruins. They are god-level brainrotted.

The attempt by the oligarchs to destroy our government is illegal, unconstitutional, and more than a little mad. The people in charge, though, are very intelligent politically, and have a plan. I describe it not because it must succeed but because it must be described so that we can make it fail. This will require clarity, and speed, and coalitions. I try to capture the mood in my little book On Tyranny. Here are a few ideas.


If you voted Republican, and you care about your country, please act rather than rationalize. Unless you cast your ballot so that South African oligarchs could steal your data, your money, your country, and your future, make it known to your elected officials that you wanted something else. And get ready to protest with people with whom you otherwise disagree.

Almost everything that has happened during this attempted takeover is illegal. Lawsuits can be filed and courts can order that executive orders be halted. This is crucial work.

Much of what is happening, though, involves private individuals whose names are not even known, and who have no legal authority, wandering through government offices and issuing orders beyond even the questionable authority of executive orders. Their idea is that they will be immunized by their boldness. This must be proven wrong.