A discussion of major issues facing our democracy with an emphasis on public schooling.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Mexican Americans and the 2012 elections
Republican myopia regarding Latino voters is turning out to be a huge blessing bestowed on Democrats, as some recent statistics indicate:
Most repeated word in the GOP debate last night: "border" (followed by "illegal" and "fence")Percentage increase in the Phoenix Latino turnount from 2010 to 2011: 480%From. J. Green. On the Democratic Strategist. blog
Percentage of likely Republican primary voters in Arizona who "said they'd be more inclined to vote for a presidential candidate who backs SB 1070, according to the NBC News/Marist Poll": 67+%
Percentage of Latino respondents saying the GOP 'did not care about their support or was hostile to their commmunity' in a recent Latino Decisions poll conducted for Univision: 72%
Number of GOP presidential candidates who have "voiced support for a broad amnesty that would allow younger illegal immigrants to become permanent legal residents": Zero
Number of Times Rick Santorum said "Jobs" in the debate last night:Zero
For profit schools
On line, for profit schools are exploiting G.I.s, and G.I. benefits.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Duncan and RESPECT for teachers
At the Department of Education, Warm Snow Falls
By Anthony Cody
on February 23, 2012 10:32 AM
As the Simpson family prepared to
travel south of the equator to Brazil, Homer revealed some
misconceptions. In opposite land, according to Bart's father, "warm snow
falls up." Reading the latest press releases and speeches from the
Department of Education, sometimes I feel as if this is where we have arrived.
For the past two years, the Department of Education policies have been
roundly criticized by teachers. The latest response from Arne Duncan is a big
public relations push bearing the title RESPECT -- Recognizing Educational
Success, Professional Excellence and Collaborative Teaching.
However, as in Homer's opposite-land, everything seems to be upside
In his speech launching
the project last week, Secretary Duncan laid out what he feels
are the problems afflicting the teaching profession.
The Department has solutions to each of these problems - but they
often have pursued policies that actually make things worse. Here are the
problems, and the solutions the Department of Ed has offered -- many of which
are mandatory if states wish to qualify for Race to the Top or escape the
ravages of NCLB:
Problem #1: "Many of our schools of education are mediocre at best. A
staggering 62 percent of young teachers say they felt unprepared to enter the
Solution: Evaluate schools of education based on the test scores of the
teachers they graduate. Use VAM scores to rate schools of education, and remove
funding from those that do not produce teachers with sufficiently high VAM
ratings. Since VAM ratings have been shown to be lower among teachers of
English Language learners and special education students, programs that place
teachers in these classrooms are likely to do poorly. All schools of education
will feel significant pressure to prepare their teachers to focus on test
Problem #2: "Many teachers are poorly trained and isolated in their
Solution: Continue to support programs such as Teach For America, which places
novice teachers in the most challenging classrooms with only five weeks of
Problem #3: "Teachers are given little time to succeed--and they are under
increasing pressure to get results to meet accountability targets."
Bizarre. What agency of the federal government made competitive grants and the
continuation of federal funding contingent on whether states created evaluation
programs like the one released last week in New York, that will result in
teachers being fired after two years of poor VAM ratings?
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Ravitch: Teachers Should be Evaluated
Of course, teachers should be evaluated. They should be evaluated by experienced principals and peers. No incompetent teacher should be allowed to remain in the classroom. Those who can’t teach and can’t improve should be fired. But the current frenzy of blaming teachers for low scores smacks of a witch-hunt, the search for a scapegoat, someone to blame for a faltering economy, for the growing levels of poverty, for widening income inequality.
The New York Review of Books
No Student Left Untested
February 21, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Respect for Teachers
Billed as a new initiative to rebuild the teaching profession and
elevate teacher voice, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan’s new RESPECT
Project (which stands for Recognizing Educational Success, Professional
Excellence, and Collaborative Teaching) seeks to involve teachers and
principals in a national conversation about teaching. The work builds on the
more than 100 roundtable discussions that the Department of Education’s Teaching
Ambassador Fellows have had with fellow teachers across the country
and will continue to have throughout the year.
During a teacher town hall to
launch the RESPECT Project, Duncan outlined his goals for revamping the
teaching profession, which include
Improving teacher preparation programs;
Dramatically increasing teacher salaries and tying pay to job
performance, skills, and demonstrated leadership ability;
Establishing career ladders that allow for advancement and leadership
opportunities without requiring teachers to completely leave the classroom;
Improving professional development and providing teachers more time for
meaningful collaboration;
Providing teachers with greater classroom autonomy balanced with more
accountability; and
Monday, February 20, 2012
Greece and California budgets
Pain without Gain. Paul Krugman. 2/20/12. NYT.
“And this downturn is hitting nations
that have never recovered from the last recession. For all America’s troubles,
its gross domestic product has finally surpassed its pre-crisis peak; Europe’s
has not. And some nations are suffering Great Depression-level pain: Greece and
Ireland have had double-digit declines in output, Spain has 23 percent
unemployment, Britain’s slump has now gone on longer than its slump in the
Worse yet, European leaders — and quite a
few influential players here — are still wedded to the economic doctrine
responsible for this disaster.
For things didn’t have to be this bad.
Greece would have been in deep trouble no matter what policy decisions were
taken, and the same is true, to a lesser extent, of other nations around
Europe’s periphery. But matters were made far worse than necessary by the way
Europe’s leaders, and more broadly its policy elite, substituted moralizing for
analysis, fantasies for the lessons of history.
Specifically, in early 2010 austerity
economics — the insistence that governments should slash spending even in the
face of high unemployment — became all the rage in European capitals. The
doctrine asserted that the direct negative effects of spending cuts on
employment would be offset by changes in “confidence,” that savage spending
cuts would lead to a surge in consumer and business spending, while nations
failing to make such cuts would see capital flight and soaring interest rates.
If this sounds to you like something Herbert Hoover might have said, you’re
right: It does and he did.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Fix poverty , not add more tests
Mercedes Olivera
Tests, tests and more tests won’t fix the problems with our nation’s schools.
More funding would certainly help in an era of widespread state budget deficits.
But the real problem, says Stephen Krashen, is poverty.
Stephen Krashen.
That’s the message the linguistics and education scholar gave to bilingual educators at the annual conference of the National Association for Bilingual Education. About 3,000 educators attended the event in Dallas this week.
Krashen has a point.
It’s become almost axiomatic these days to talk about America’s educational system as “broken.” U.S. students do poorly on tests when compared with those in other countries, especially in math and science.
But recent studies also reveal that U.S. students from middle-class families and
well-funded schools outscore students in nearly all other countries.
“Our average scores are less than spectacular because the U.S. has the highest percentage of children in poverty of all industrialized countries,” said Krashen, professor emeritus at the University of Southern California.
“People think that our schools were once very good and that they have declined, and the best way to make them better, as good as they were in the good old days, is ‘rigorous’ standards and tests to enforce the standards. But the assumptions aren’t true.”
Tests, tests and more tests won’t fix the problems with our nation’s schools.
More funding would certainly help in an era of widespread state budget deficits.
But the real problem, says Stephen Krashen, is poverty.
Stephen Krashen.
That’s the message the linguistics and education scholar gave to bilingual educators at the annual conference of the National Association for Bilingual Education. About 3,000 educators attended the event in Dallas this week.
Krashen has a point.
It’s become almost axiomatic these days to talk about America’s educational system as “broken.” U.S. students do poorly on tests when compared with those in other countries, especially in math and science.
But recent studies also reveal that U.S. students from middle-class families and
well-funded schools outscore students in nearly all other countries.
“Our average scores are less than spectacular because the U.S. has the highest percentage of children in poverty of all industrialized countries,” said Krashen, professor emeritus at the University of Southern California.
“People think that our schools were once very good and that they have declined, and the best way to make them better, as good as they were in the good old days, is ‘rigorous’ standards and tests to enforce the standards. But the assumptions aren’t true.”
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Obama Budget proposes preventing teacher lay offs
By Alyson Klein: Education Week.
Education takes a marquee spot in President Barack Obama’s last, otherwise austere, election-year budget request, with his spending plan calling for new investments in community colleges, money to prevent teacher layoffs, investment in school facilities, and funds to spur state action on teacher quality.
But the fiscal year 2013 budget proposal—which also emphasizes the administration’s signature competitive-grant programs while flat-funding key formula grants, such as Title I aid to districts—faces an almost-certain dead end in Congress, where Republicans are seeking to squelch the federal role in K-12 policy and rein in spending.The president unveiled his $3.8 trillion budget in a speech at Northern Virginia Community College, in Annandale, which emphasized the importance of education and training to the nation’s economic recovery—a central theme of his administration’s message going into the election campaign.The president is requesting $69.8 billion in discretionary spending for the U.S. Department of Education in the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1, an increase of $1.7 billion, or 2.5 percent, over the current budget year.“The skills and training that employers are looking for begins with the men and women who educate our children. All of us can point to a teacher who’s made a difference in our lives—and I know I can,” Mr. Obama said in a speech on the Northern Virginia campus. “So I want this Congress to give our schools the resources to keep good teachers on the job, and reward the best teachers.”Among his budget proposal’s highlights:• $30 billion to prevent teacher layoffs, including $5 billion dedicated to a competition aimed at bolstering teacher-quality initiatives.• $30 billion to revamp school facilities nationwide.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tax choices for California
by Duane Campbell
It is time that California work again for people who work
for a living. There are over 2 million working people who lost their jobs in
the financial crisis through no fault of their own. They would be happy to be working and paying taxes again. California must reinvest in our schools
to make certain that every child has access to the kinds of public schools that
will prepare them to compete in the global economy.
Public schools are being decimated amidst budget cuts and the growing
accumulation of wealth by the 1%. The Courage Campaign, CA Calls and the CA
Federation of Teachers have partnered to get a Millionaire's Tax on the
November ballot. The Millionaire's Tax would raise $6 billion for public
education, safety, and infrastructure by raising additional taxes on those
making more than $1 million a year.
There is a competing tax initiative by
Governor Brown that asks us all to pay a temporary increased sales tax – and it will produce no new money for
the schools. If working people and the middle class are going to take a hit in
tough times it shouldn’t be to pay for the tax breaks for millionaires and the
big companies that ship our jobs overseas. It’s time the middle class stop picking up the tab while the
rich and the big corporations get loopholes and tax dodges. Its time that the rich and the
corporations start living by the same rules and pay their fair share of taxes.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Michelle Rhee tells her tale
Courtesy of Monty Neill at Fair Test. Long, but worth reading, especially the suggestions at the end on how to more successfully reframe the debate:
Rhee's Framing of the Debate on Education
On the evening of February 7, Michelle Rhee, former chancellor of DC
public schools and the public face of the opaquely funded StudentsFirst,
addressed an audience of some four thousand people at the Paramount
theater in Oakland. This lecture was one of a number of lectures
purchased as a series, and did not imply any particular interest in Rhee
or in education by the older and relatively affluent crowd attending, the
sort of crowd one finds at similar series, whether theater, ballet, or
classical music.
As I have never heard Rhee speak before, I cannot say that she tailored
her talk to this particular audience, but given her consummate skills as
a public speaker, I would be very surprised if she had not.
The lecture was divided in three parts. First, Rhee introduced herself
and described her leadership of the DC public schools; next, she outlined
her fundamental principles about education; finally, she answered
questions from the audience.
In the first part, Rhee established her persona: a mix of unprepossessing
but feisty "Korean lady," finding herself unaccountably charged with the
management of DC public schools and concerned only for the good of the
children. Her narrative of her three years as DC chancellor, a position
for which she had no qualifications or experience, framed her dictatorial
and disruptive tenure as the story of a plain speaking firebrand who
sliced through every piece of red tape and obstruction to transform
institutional corruption into a working school system. Rich in anecdote
and short on facts, the main point of the story was to set up Rhee as a
concerned citizen who was out of patience with a dysfunctional system and
whose arbitrary and devastating actions (performed under the aegis of
Mayoral control) were not a violation of the democratic rights of parents
and teachers and children, but the necessary and heroic actions of a
woman more concerned with the good of the children than with the interest
of other "adults" involved in the educational system.
Rhee's Framing of the Debate on Education
On the evening of February 7, Michelle Rhee, former chancellor of DC
public schools and the public face of the opaquely funded StudentsFirst,
addressed an audience of some four thousand people at the Paramount
theater in Oakland. This lecture was one of a number of lectures
purchased as a series, and did not imply any particular interest in Rhee
or in education by the older and relatively affluent crowd attending, the
sort of crowd one finds at similar series, whether theater, ballet, or
classical music.
As I have never heard Rhee speak before, I cannot say that she tailored
her talk to this particular audience, but given her consummate skills as
a public speaker, I would be very surprised if she had not.
The lecture was divided in three parts. First, Rhee introduced herself
and described her leadership of the DC public schools; next, she outlined
her fundamental principles about education; finally, she answered
questions from the audience.
In the first part, Rhee established her persona: a mix of unprepossessing
but feisty "Korean lady," finding herself unaccountably charged with the
management of DC public schools and concerned only for the good of the
children. Her narrative of her three years as DC chancellor, a position
for which she had no qualifications or experience, framed her dictatorial
and disruptive tenure as the story of a plain speaking firebrand who
sliced through every piece of red tape and obstruction to transform
institutional corruption into a working school system. Rich in anecdote
and short on facts, the main point of the story was to set up Rhee as a
concerned citizen who was out of patience with a dysfunctional system and
whose arbitrary and devastating actions (performed under the aegis of
Mayoral control) were not a violation of the democratic rights of parents
and teachers and children, but the necessary and heroic actions of a
woman more concerned with the good of the children than with the interest
of other "adults" involved in the educational system.
Monday, February 13, 2012
What is happening in Greece: Financial Crisis ?
Financial Crisis, Markets and Democracy, Climate Justice: SI Council in Costa Rica
23-24 JANUARY 2012
Speech by George Papandreou, President of PASOK and President of
the Socialist International
at the Council meeting of the Socialist International, San José,
23 January 2012
It is a great pleasure for me to be here with you today, in San
Jose, Costa Rica. It is a special honor for the Socialist International to have
with us her Excellency the President of Costa Rica Ms. Laura Chinchilla. As
Costa Rica's first woman President she is a symbol of women empowerment in
Central America and beyond. We are looking forward to her remarks.
Dear friends, dear comrades,
I often hear a question, even a complaint: Is our movement
relevant to today's problems? Here in Central and Latin America you know very
well we are relevant. It is not only the fact that we have become a strong
political force for change and progress but we have shown that progressive
governance does matter.
This region has experienced - as we in Greece are experiencing -
deep economic crises. The rule of the IMF, the mistrust of the financial
system, the austerity of the measures. Yet you know. You know more than anyone
else that both Latin and Central America are rich areas. Rich with resources,
rich with human capital. But these resources have often been mismanaged,
squandered, usurped by the few and powerful, by dependencies and interventions.
That is why these crises are not primarily financial but they
are political. They are crises because of the lack of democratic governance,
because of the inequalities, because of the lack of opportunities, the lack of
transparency, corruption, the clientilist and authoritarian regimes. Regimes
under which our citizens were marginalized or even oppressed.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Idiotas, Jan Brewer and Arizona
Enduring Fools, By Rodolfo F. Acuña
Growing up, we used a plethora of words to dismiss fools. Fom two different worlds, my father was from Jalisco so his sayings were always blander my mother’s Sonorense expressions, which always seemed franker and more to the point. If you were ugly, they called you el feo. It was the cow culture that reveled in a no bull sh.. mentality. When I messed up badly, I was the pinche güero or the pinche buey, which depending on how it was said was generally a put down.
Words such as cabrón or chingado were rarely used unless in anger and mostly directed at someone outside the family. Even to this day they are words that are not taken lightly in Mexico, especially if used in the context of chinga tu madre.
(It was unlike today when an 85 year old lady will flip you off on the freeway.)
When you thought someone was stupid and just did not want anything to with them, it was estúpido,imbécil, baboso or pendejo. They had a shock value. My family was more passive and would just give you the señal de la cruz -- why call them names if they don’t exist for you.
In the past several years I have found myself giving most Tucson racists the sign of the cross – they are brain-dead.
Under normal circumstances, I would have given people like Arizona Attorney Tom Horne, Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal and the great majority of the board members of the Tucson Unified Schools the señal de la cruz. However, this was impossible because they do so much damage to an entire community. Reaching back into my consciousness I came up with the perfect descriptive word, idiota, a word that always had a poetic sound. Pinche güero was nice next to idiota!
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Monday, February 06, 2012
Millionaires should pay their fair share of taxes
needs additional revenue to fund schools and to invest in the future. A tax plan known as The Millionaires Tax has been proposed by the California
Federation of Teachers and the Courage Campaign to increase revenues to pay for
vital services. It was
assigned the official title "Tax To Benefit Public Schools, Social
Services, Public Safety, And Road Maintenance," on Friday, Feb.2, by California Attorney General Kamala Harris.
A report of the California Budget Project notes
that “measured
as a share of family income, California’s lowest-income families pay the most
in taxes. The bottom fifth of the state’s families, with an average income of
$12,600, spent 11.1 percent of their income on state and local taxes. In comparison, the wealthiest 1 percent,
with an average income of $2.3 million, spent 7.8 percent of their income on
state and local taxes.”
The Millionaires Tax plan,
of the California Federation of
Teachers and the Courage Campaign would raise taxes by three percentage points
on income above $1 million and five percentage points on income over $2 million. Analysts say the proposal would generate $4
billion to $6 billion annually.
Signature gathering for the plan will begin within weeks.
The plan competes with Gov. Jerry
Brown's tax initiative, which would raise income taxes on earners
starting at $250,000 for single filers, as well as increase the statewide sales
tax by a half-cent.
Thursday, February 02, 2012
Charter Schools Grow
Charter Schools
Grow Amid Questions
By Seth Sandronsky
Traditional public
school students and their teachers are facing a
shortfall of tax
support across the US. But things are brighter for
public charter schools, which operate with a contract
(charter) from a
public entity.
There were over 2
million students enrolled in about 5,600 public
charter schools
around the US in 2011, according to the National
Alliance for
Public Charter Schools, a Washington, DC-based,
advocacy group. A recent NAPCS statement said that total
student enrollment
represents a 13% increase in one year.
According to the
federal Department of Education, 4% of US public
school students,
pre-kindergarten through grade 12, attend public
charter schools.
In 2010, California led the nation in public charter
schools with 983,
according to the NAPCS, serving over 412,000
students (7% of
the over-all enrollment of 6 million pupils